Sponsored by the Caregiver Support Program and the Pennsylvania Link to Aging and Disability Resources, the 2017 Caregiver Academy seeks to provide tools and training for family caregivers. Caregivers and Care Receivers are invited to attend. While caregivers attend their session, care receivers participate in their own activity to enjoy. Session 2 was titled "A Matter of Balance: Fall Prevention and Safety in the Home" presented by Mary O'Sullivan and Jess Lowy from Crozer. While caregivers attended this session, care receivers participated in a brain stimulating exercise using a memory card game.

Presenter, Mary Sullivan, speaks to the group about fall prevention and safety in the home.

Presenter, Mary Sullivan, speaks to the group about fall prevention and safety in the home.

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Presenter, Mary Sullivan, speaks to the group about fall prevention and safety in the home. Presenter, Jess Lowy, speaks to the group about fall prevention and safety in the home. Bill Jones, Anna Garvins, Walter Brown, and Gloria Thompson participate in a memory card game with presenters, Paula and Carole on the left.