Assessment Procedure

Each COSA assessment, generally conducted in the home, includes questions on the applicants' physical health, functional ability, mental and cognitive functioning, caregiver and other supports, physical environment, and financial resources.

  • A Community Assessment determines the need and eligibility for In-Home Services or Nursing Home Care.
  • A Pre-Admission Assessment is conducted to determine clinical eligibility for Nursing Home placement. This assessment is primarily intended for adults, 18 years and over, for whom placement in a nursing home is being considered and for whom state funding for a nursing home bed is being sought. Other groups appropriate for a nursing home evaluation are: Anyone considering a nursing home and who desires having an assessment completed; individuals, regardless of their financial situation, who have a primary or secondary diagnosis of mental illness, intellectual disability, or other related condition.

All In-Home Services require either a Community or Pre-Admission Assessment. 

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